Create Your Own Phenology Study

Create Your Own Phenology Study

Mon, August 5 2019 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Administered by ESD 112


  • Stacy Meyer


If you are looking for a great long-term science activity, learning how to Create Your Own Phenology Study is the session for you! In this session, teachers will learn how to create their own outdoor Phenology (the changing of the seasons) Study specific to their school’s environment. The session will be divided up into three parts: 1. Learning the background information and activities to support students doing the study 2. Going outside and performing a Phenology Study together, and 3. Teachers will have time to workshop their own Phenology Study. During the workshop phase of the session, information, tools, and resources will be shared with teachers to help them with developing their own unique Phenology Study. At the end of the session the course instructor, Abby Schmeichel, will also be sharing information about programs from the Mount St Helens Institute (MSHI). MSHI is a non-profit organization that connects students to natural world and Washington’s volcanic landscapes through outdoor environmental education.


La Center High School
725 NE Highland Ave La Center WA 98629


  • Mon, August 5 2019
    12:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Event # 95258

5 / 24
Registration Ends
Monday Aug 5, 2019 3:30 PM
Registration is now closed.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: VAH1267
3.00 Clock Hours $9.00
3.00 STEM
