Beyond Quarantine- Common Sense Re-engagement for Schools

Beyond Quarantine- Common Sense Re-engagement for Schools

Fri, June 12 2020 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM


  • Kate Stetzner
  • Don Williamson


Future Problem Solving makes it possible to prepare for the future without knowing what it will be! In other words, how to avoid trying to put a square peg in a round hole. FPS is an easy to follow blueprint for any school (elementary, middle school, or high school) to use as a problem-solving plan. Participants will be given a scenario and will learn the process to resolve the issues facing school re-opening. Schools will think about current school and family engagement practices for 2020-21. Participants will brainstorm ways to reflect on SEL problems and solutions and utilizing the MTSS process to ensure safety for all site specific stakeholders meeting kids where they are. School Safety has taken on a new meaning.


  • Fri, June 12 2020
    8:30 AM - 10:30 AM


Event # 104714

31 / 30
Registration Ends
Thursday Jun 11, 2020 8:30 AM
Registration is now closed.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: VAI1327
2.00 Clock Hours $6.00