QPR Suicide Prevention Training

QPR Suicide Prevention Training

Fri, June 22 2018 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM


  • Adam Scattergood


~~Basic goals of QPR training include, 

- Learning to identify persons that may be contemplating suicide or know someone who is.  This includes learning how to ask the questions and collect information to determine whether or not the person is thinking about suicide.

- Identify and practice ways to persuade someone not to attempt suicide, even if only for a short period of time, so that interventions, supports and resources can be implemented.

- Identify resources, interventions and unique support strategies that can be offered to someone who is thinking about suicide.


Educational Services District 112
2500 NE 65th Avenue Vancouver WA 98661


  • Fri, June 22 2018
    8:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Event # 50787

10 / 50
Registration Ends
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018 12:00 PM
Registration is now closed.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: VAG1116
3.00 Clock Hours (Suicide Prevention)