Book Study, A Teacher's Guide To Special Education

Book Study, A Teacher's Guide To Special Education

Thu, January 18 2024 12:00 AM - Sat, January 18 2025 12:00 AM


  • Craig Homnick


What exactly is special education and what are my responsibilities for students with disabilities as a regular classroom teacher? Like other students, those with disabilities are expected to make progress and it is the classroom teacher who is ultimately responsible for their achievement. But the world of special education is complex and not always easy to understand. This book explains everything a regular classroom teacher needs to know, including the laws that affect special education, what the classroom teacher’s responsibility is in the referral process and how to support students with disabilities after the evaluation for special education has been completed. This book is a must-read for teachers with students in their classrooms who have disabilities.

This course renews annually and is ongoing. You will have one year from date of your registration to complete this course.

Event Notes

Registration for this course is completed through Teacher Study via the external link provided. You will pay the course registration fee to them. The clock hours for this event are sponsored by ESD 112. When you complete the course, you will receive instructions for claiming your clock hours in pdEnroller.  You will need to upload your certificate of completion when you claim the clock hours.  Once the hours are claimed and all the steps are completed, the clock hours will record to a pdEnroller transcript. 


The fee for this course is $175. The $90 clock hour fee is in addition to the registration fee.  The clock hour fee is waived for members of the ESD 112 Clock Hour Cooperative.   



  1. Purchase and read A Teacher’s Guide to Special Education  By David F. Bateman & Jenifer L. Cline.  You can find this book at or your favorite bookstore. 

2. Write complete answers to all of the questions on the Book Study Handout. The handout is provided to you after registration is completed.

3. Create a lesson plan that incorporates each of the components of the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) which can be found on page 36 of the text for elementary teachers and on page 37 of the text for secondary teachers (See examples of instructional practices revised for UDL in Figure 2.1 on page 35 of the text). Teach the lesson. 

4. Write a 2-3 page paper describing the lesson plan, each of the components of the lesson plan and your success (or lack of success) of the lesson taught. You do not need to turn in the lesson plan. 

Turn in the 2-3 page paper.


  • Thu, January 18 2024 - Sat, January 18 2025
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    Online via