Returning with Care: A Roadmap to Exploring Trauma Informed Practices

Returning with Care: A Roadmap to Exploring Trauma Informed Practices

Thu, June 3 2021 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


  • Lauren Ashbaugh


This training is designed to support the resilience, flexibility, and sustainability of school staff as they plan for the 2021-2022 school year in the context of Covid 19 and ongoing racial trauma. Participants will learn and practice evidence-supported practices and interventions that help to address loss/trauma and promote resilience in themselves and in their students. Participants will be asked to evaluate their own knowledge base, deepen their understanding of resilience practices, and will be provided information that they can use to support their colleagues. This training will provide reference materials, didactic information, and active learning activities. 

Dr. Ashbaugh, a clinically-trained psychologist who specializes in trauma, resilience, and school-based mental health, will provide psychoeducation about the impact of Covid 19 on our communities, including and especially our school communities. Training will include focus on the Whole Educator, including strategies for self-reflection, self-awareness, and collaborative healing.

Event Notes

Online link will be emailed to the participants the day of the event. This event is a repeated from May 26th.


  • Thu, June 3 2021
    3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    Online Link will be emailed to roster day of event.