Statewide Assistive Technology Meeting

Statewide Assistive Technology Meeting

Thu, December 5 2019 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


  • Linda Doehle


Please come and share your learning and experience with your fellow AT colleagues both locally and within the state. We will be using Google Hangouts to remotely connect 9 regional sites around the state. Each site will have a facilitator to guide the conversation and support connection to other remote sites. The agenda will include brief presentations of these topics followed by a local discussion and focused share out including future action planning.


Talbott Event Center
4202 South Regal Street Spokane WA 99223


  • Thu, December 5 2019
    9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    NEWESD Talbott Event Center - Putnam Room

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: 1920-0265
4.00 Clock Hours $12.00
