Safe Routes to School: Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education Teacher Training

Safe Routes to School: Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education Teacher Training

Online Modules

Mon, January 4 8:00 AM - Fri, December 31 2021 5:00 PM


This is a self-paced online training that will give participants the skills required to understand how pedestrians and bicyclists fit into the transportation system, and how to predict, prevent, and avoid other vehicle’s mistakes. Additionally, this training prepares the participant to teach Safe Routes to School curriculum to students. The training is intended for current and past awardees of OSPI's Safe Routes to School: Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education grant. Each participant will receive 16 FREE clock hours from OSPI for this training.

Information covered in learning modules:

  1. Safe Routes to School Pedestrian Safety
  2. Safe Routes to School Bicycle Safety
  3. Safe Routes to School Basic and Advanced Traffic Skills

Training objectives include:

  • Participants will implement the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education Program in schools to support students to bike and walk safely.
  • Participants will demonstrate safe bicycle and pedestrian techniques to implement SRTS program fully within the school environment.
  • Participants will utilize state and nationally developed resources, training materials, and equipment.
  • Participants will understand trends in school travel and safe modes of active transportation.
  • Participants will become familiar with the lessons in the SRTS curriculum and understand how to implement the lessons into a middle school setting.
  • Participants will understand the evaluation system by monitoring and documenting outcomes, attitudes, and trends through the collection of data before and after the intervention(s).
  • Participants will teach children about the broad range of transportation choices, instructing them in important lifelong bicycling and walking safety skills, and launching safety campaigns in the vicinity of schools and communities.

Event Notes

This event will expire on October 1, 2021. Clock hours will no longer be available after this date.


  • Mon, January 4 - Fri, December 31 2021
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Event # 111217

Registration Ends
Thursday Sep 30, 2021 11:30 PM
Registration is now closed.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: SPG0119
16.00 Clock Hours